
Treatment of eczema in Bratislava

Eczema is a medical condition that affects a large number of people. The thing is that the causes of eczema can be both internal and external factors, for example: diseases of stomach, intestines and liver, allergic reactions, stressful situations. Each of us can face eczema. Besides, this disease is quite often inherited, which means that most likely the symptoms of the disease may appear in you.

Causes and symptoms of eczema development

Eczema is a chronic, recurrent skin disorder. It manifests itself in the form of characteristic pink and red rashes on the skin. The skin area affected by eczema swells slightly and becomes covered with small bubbles. Eczema is not a transmissible disease.

The causes of eczema in a healthy person can be very different: 

  • heredity;
  • diseases of internal organs (stomach, liver, kidneys);
  • influence of various external factors.

Eczema on the legs can occur during a long extreme trip, when it is difficult to fully comply with all the rules of hygiene. For the same reasons, eczema on the hands can also be caused. Treatment should be started as early as possible so that the disease does not acquire a protracted chronic form.

The main symptoms of eczema are:

  • skin redness with swelling;
  • formation of small bubbles;
  •  burning and itching;
  •  fatigue, irritability, lack of concentration.

What are the types of eczema?

A disease like eczema is characterized by skin redness, rash, blisters on the skin, itching and constant relapses of the disease. Depending on the factors provoking eczema, various forms are distinguished:

  • true eczema. It can manifest itself at any age, due to nervous strain, environmental factors, hormonal surges. True eczema, with frequent relapses, without proper treatment, quickly becomes chronic;
  • dyshidrotic eczema. It manifests itself on the hands, palms, soles and lateral surfaces of the fingers.
  •  professional eczema. It appears when working with irritants;
  • microbial eczema. It occurs at the site of infected wounds, fungal infections, trophic ulcers, fistulas;
  • seborrheic eczema. Its appearance is influenced by yeast fungi and staphylococci present in the lesions.

Due to the difference in the forms of eczema and the causes of its occurrence, dermatologists at “Doktorpro Bratislava” prescribe individual treatment regimen for patients, but only after a thorough initial diagnostics.

Methods of treating eczema at “Doktorpro Bratislava”

If you have symptoms of eczema on your face or other areas of the body, you should see a dermatologist for treatment. Medical Center “Doktorpro Bratislava” has a number of advantages in the treatment of eczema:

  • the fastest possible relief from the symptoms of the disease in the acute period (itching, blisters, crusts, peeling);
  • selection of means for external use and general therapy according to an individual scheme in order to maintain a state of remission for a long time;
  • selection of a special diet that prevents the development of eczema and recommendations for its observance;
  • selection of care and hygiene products that protect the skin from external irritants.

The main advantage of the medical center “Doktorpro Bratislava” is modern treatment methods and individual approach to patients. You can make appointment with a dermatologist at any convenient time by filling out the appointment form or by calling the specified phone number on our website.

MD. Denisa Košecká
MD. Denisa Košecká
Doctor of department of dermatology
Book your appointment 24/7!

The cost of appointments with doctors in Bratislava The prices for consultations are indicated in the price list. The cost of treatment is determined after consultation with the doctor. There are age restrictions.

30 eur
Payment in med. center
Dermatoscopy (1 item)
15 eur
Payment in med. center
Primary appointment with a dermatologist
39 eur / 37 eur
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Primary appointment with a dermatologist with digital dermatoscopy
100 eur / 95 eur
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Primary reception of a dermatovenereologist, pensioner, disabled person
35 eur / 33 eur
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Prophylactic dermatoscopy of the whole body
70 eur
Payment in med. center
Re-admission of a dermatovenereologist after a regulated period
39 eur / 37 eur
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Re-admission of a dermatovenereologist after a regulated period pensioner, disabled person
35 eur / 33 eur
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Re-admission to a dermatovenereologist
35 eur / 33 eur
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Physicians of dermatology department of DoctorPRO Bratislava

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Amazing consult, Dr. Ievheniia Tretiak was very attentive, she resolved all my questions, she also asked all the right questions to know how to support me bett...
Ricardo Goni , 03.06.2023. Show answer

Address: Bratislava, Ruzinovska 40

Doktorpro in Bratislava
We accept: Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00, Sat: 8:00-17:00, Sun: 9:00-13:00
Make an appointment: 0800200000 24 hours.
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